Guest lecture professor Peter...

Professor Peter Henning, Fulbright Schoolar, Law School, Wayne State University, will have two lectures on Public Corruption and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act as guest professor in the Economic Criminal Law class:

On Thursday, November 7, 2019,  Ćirilometodska 4, Room V, 14:30-16:00. The lecture will be on Public Corruption Law in the United States, and the focus will be on the major corruption statutes and Supreme Court cases that have defined how public corruption is prosecuted in the United States.  

On Friday,  November 8, 2019, Ćirilometodska 4, Room V, 12-13:30. The lecture will be on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and will include a brief look at the UK Bribery Law that is much broader than the FCPA. We will look at two significant cases, United States v. Esquenazi and United States v. Hoskins that define the scope of the FCPA.

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